My Africa 


Can we sum up this vast continent from the little we’ve seen of it? Hell no! And we are not going to even try…

All we know, is that we should have done it sooner… And that we’re definitely going back. There is so much that has to be experienced and so many more countries still to be entered.

We would have to live a hundred(or more) lifetimes in order to truly experience all of Africa.


For now, we are happy to have met and connected with all our newly made friends and family. We hope to have the means to meet them and others in the future.


Thank you Africa for letting us in, for sharing your beauty, for being different, familiar, peculiar, eccentric, for getting in our blood and for being the birthplace of humanity.

Nkosi sikelel iafrica

Categories: Africa, Botswana, Crazy Stories, Destinations, Events & Festivals, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Travel Friends, Uganda, Zambia, ZanzibarTags: , ,

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